Latest update: 27.08.2024

The following privacy policy serves to approximate the principles on which JIT Team sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdynia, JIT Services sp. z o.o. and JIT Services sp. z o.o. sp. k. (hereinafter jointly JIT or the Company) process personal data.

1. What is personal data and what does its processing mean?

Personal data means information about an identified or identifiable natural person. The processing of personal data is in principle any activity on personal data, regardless of whether it is carried out by automated means or not, e.g. collection, storage, recording, ordering, modification, viewing, use, sharing, restriction, deletion or destruction. JIT processes personal data for various purposes, whereby, depending on the purpose, different methods of collection, legal bases for processing, use, disclosure and retention periods may apply.

2. When does this Privacy Policy apply?

This privacy policy applies to all cases where the JIT is the controller of personal data and processes personal data. This applies both to cases in which JIT processes personal data obtained directly from the data subject and cases in which it has obtained personal data from other sources. The JIT fulfils its information obligations in both of the above cases.

3. Who is the data controller?

The controller within the meaning of the GDPR regulation, in relation to personal data, is jointly:

JIT Team Sp. z o. o. (KRS no. 0000363948), JIT Services sp. z o.o. (KRS no. 0000750403) and JIT Services sp. z o.o. sp.k. (KRS no. 0000773386), based at ul. Łużycka 8C, 81-537 Gdynia.

Being a controller means that the JIT sets the purposes and means of processing personal data on its own and under its own responsibility.

Contact to the data administrator in all matters related to the protection of personal data may take place at:

Email: rodo@jit.team

4. Compliance with the law, transparency

JIT processes personal data in accordance with the law, complying with the provisions of Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and the Act of 10.05.2018 on the protection of personal data and its implementing provisions.

In order to ensure the transparency of personal data, the JIT informs individuals about the rules for the processing of personal data belonging to them.

5. Security

Taking care of the protection of personal data, JIT uses appropriate safeguards and technical measures to ensure the protection of data processing, in particular:

  • protects against the processing of personal data in violation of applicable law;
  • secures personal data against access by unauthorized persons;
  • protects personal data against loss (ensures data integrity);
  • grants access to personal databases to persons authorized to process them only to the extent and to the extent that ensures the proper functioning of the company and compliance with personal data protection regulations.

6. Purposes of data processing of particular categories of persons

JIT processes personal data in order to maintain and develop the Company's operations.

JIT may process personal data:

  • employees and associates – in order to perform contracts concluded with them, conduct the Company's operations, including offering services to clients, as well as to fulfill legal obligations,
  • candidates in recruitment processes – in order to attract employees and associates and offer services to clients,
  • customers, their representatives and staff – in order to perform contracts concluded with customers,
  • potential clients, their representatives – in order to conclude contracts, propose services provided by JIT,
  • participants of organized events – in order to provide opportunities to conduct events such as trainings, lectures, congresses, etc.,
  • persons contacting JIT – in order to maintain the possibility of contacting such persons,
  • users of JIT websites (using cookies) – to improve and customize the content made available to these users,
  • persons reporting an irregularity or abuse, called whistleblowers - in order to analyze the situation described in the report, take appropriate steps and respond to the report.

7. Scope and legal basis for the processing of personal data of individual categories of persons, period of storage of personal data

7a. Personal data of employees and associates

JIT processes personal data of employees and associates in order to implement contracts binding with these persons, to pursue the legitimate interests of the administrator, as well as to fulfill legal obligations incumbent on him.
Detailed information on the principles of processing personal data of JIT personnel is available in the internal JIT network.

7b. Personal data of candidates in recruitment processes

JIT processes personal data of candidates in recruitment processes in order to establish cooperation with these persons and to present them to clients and potential clients.

The processing of personal data, including their sharing with clients and potential customers, is based on the candidate's consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

The following data are processed: name, surname, address, contact details, education, career course, professional skills, as well as other data provided by the candidate in the CV. Providing data by the candidate is always voluntary.

The data is processed until the candidate withdraws his consent. The candidate has the option of withdrawing consent to the processing of his personal data at any time. If the candidate does not withdraw consent to the processing of his personal data in the event of conducting the recruitment process without time limit - until the purpose for which the personal data was obtained and is processed ceases to exist.

7c. Personal data of customers, their representatives and staff

JIT processed personal data of customers who are natural persons, as well as representatives and staff of customers in order to perform contracts concluded with customers (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR, as well as due to the legitimate interest of JIT, in particular to defend their rights and pursue claims (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.

The following data are processed: name and surname, contact details, data on the participation of a given person in cooperation with JIT.

The data is processed for the period of cooperation and the period of limitation of possible claims.

7d. Personal data of potential customers and their representatives

JIT processed personal data of potential customers, who are natural persons and customer representatives in order to conclude a contract.

The following data is processed: name and surname, contact details.

The basis for the processing of personal data is to take action to conclude a contract at the request of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR) or on the basis of the consent of the person concerned (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR).

The data is processed until the consent is withdrawn or until the end of activities related to the conclusion of the contract (e.g. negotiations).

7e. Personal data of event participants

JIT organizes events addressed to external persons, e.g. trainings, competitions, congresses, etc. For this purpose, jiT may process the personal data of their participants.

The following data are processed: name and surname, contact details, possible other data related to the nature of the event.

The basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the person concerned (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR).

The data is processed until the consent is withdrawn or until the end of the event and the limitation of any claims related to it.

7f. Personal data of contact persons

JIT may process personal data of persons who initiate contact via the contact form on the website, by e-mail or other correspondence.

The following data are processed: name and surname, contact details, possible other data related to correspondence and voluntarily provided by this person.

The basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the person concerned (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR), and in special cases for the purpose of defending their rights and pursuing claims (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.

The data is processed until the consent is withdrawn or until the limitation period for any claims arising from correspondence, if any.

7g. Personal data of persons reporting violations of the law - whistleblowers

JIT may process personal data of persons reporting behavior or practices that constitute abuses or offenses in relation to applicable legal provisions.

The following data is processed: email, telephone number, title and description of the report and any other data resulting from the content of the report and provided by the reporting person.

Personal data will be processed in order to fulfill legal obligations arising from the Act of June 14, 2024 on the protection of whistleblowers. The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 section 1 letter c) GDPR. The data is processed for the period specified in the law and until the limitation period for any claims arising from the notification, if any, may arise.

The recipients of the data are persons designated to handle notifications - Compliance & Cybersecurity Manager and Head of HR. Additionally, people responsible for administering the mailbox may have access to the e-mail address - they do not have access to the content of the notifications.

8. Information obligations

JIT fulfils its information obligations both in the case of obtaining personal data from data subjects and in the case of obtaining data from other sources.

In the case of obtaining personal data from the data subject, the necessary information is provided in the process of data acquisition.

Where data are obtained from a person other than the data subject, the information obligation shall be fulfilled without delay, unless the data subject already has the information.

9. Rights of data subjects

The data subject has the right to:

  • inspect your personal data and request modification of personal data in the event that they are incorrect;
  • request the deletion of your personal data from the database, with the exception of data used in accordance with the Tax Ordinance for accounting purposes or on the basis of other mandatory provisions of law – deletion of data may cause difficulties or inability to further cooperate with JIT.
  • request the restriction of data processing;
  • object to the processing of data for reasons related to his particular situation;
  • request the transfer of personal data by making them available in a commonly used format that allows them to be sent to another administrator

The rights of data subjects are exercised by e-mail to the address indicated in point 3 of this Policy.

10. Sharing data, entrusting the processing of personal data

JIT does not share the processed personal data with other entities for use for other purposes of these entities not related to cooperation with JIT.

For candidates, JIT may share their personal data with clients and potential clients. The provision of the candidate's personal data is always subject to the possibility of their use only for the purpose of establishing cooperation between the JIT and the client resulting in the successful completion of the recruitment process in which the candidate participates.

JIT entrusts the processed personal data to entities acting on its behalf only after obliging these entities to maintain their confidentiality and after properly entrusting the processing of these data in accordance with the GDPR.

When processing personal data, JIT uses cloud services offered by service providers that meet the highest requirements for the security of personal data processing. As part of the provision of cloud services, personal data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area.

JIT uses the services of the following service providers in this respect:

All these cloud service providers adhere to the highest security standards taking into account standard contractual clauses in accordance with current templates approved by the European Commission, which makes entrusting them with the processing of personal data safe and compliant with the requirements of the GDPR.

Cookies Policy

What are cookies

Cookies (so-called "cookies") are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the end device of the user of JIT websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, the time of their storage on the end device and a unique number. The website uses cookies m.in. to adapt its appearance to the needs of Users and for statistical purposes. The so-called "own" cookies are used (they are placed and accessed by the Service Provider), and the so-called "external" cookies (they are placed by third parties). More information about what cookies are can be obtained at www.aboutcookies.org (in English) and http://wszystkoociasteczkach.pl (in Polish).

Cookies identify the user's browser and improve the operation of the website. Cookies can make the use of the website easier, for example by saving the user's passwords and preferences when he returns to the site.

Cookies can be divided into basic cookies (used for technical and analytical purposes) and marketing cookies (used for marketing purposes).

What cookies does JIT collect?


There are the following expiry categories:

  • Specific duration – deleted after a defined time
  • Session - deleted after you quit your browser

There are the following cookies categories:

  • Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.
  • Statistics / Analytics cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.

Cookies have different origins so following types we have:

  • First-party cookies - are stored by the domain (website) you are visiting directly. They allow website owners to collect analytics data, remember language settings, and perform other useful functions that help provide a good user experience.
  • Third-party cookies - are created by domains other than the one you are visiting directly, hence the name third-party. They are used for cross-site tracking, retargeting and ad-serving.

Supportive links:

In addition, the JIT website collects anonymous data about the pages visited, such as: number of visits, country, browser, time of visit, etc. During the user's visit, JIT websites automatically save the so-called system logs - anonymous information such as the time of the visit, ip address, url, browser, etc. The collected logs are stored for an indefinite period of time as an auxiliary material used to administer the website.

This website uses external services (m.in Google Analytics) provided by Google Ireland Limited with its registered office in Dublin (Ireland), which use their cookies ("third-party" cookies). Such cookies are used, among other things, to identify unique visits of users to the website and to analyze non-standard variables related to the way the website is used. Google Ireland Limited uses this information for statistical purposes to create an overall picture of the website. The information collected in this way is anonymous and is not used to identify specific users. Google's privacy policy is available at: http://www.google.com/intl/pl_pl/policies/privacy/.

For what purposes does JIT process the data collected by cookies?

Cookies are used by JIT to:

  • adjusting the content of websites to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of websites; in particular, these files allow to recognize the user's device and properly display the website, tailored to his individual needs;
  • create statistics and analyses that help to understand how users use websites, which allows improving their structure and content, as well as detecting fraud;
  • maintaining the user's session (after logging in), thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage;
  • recognizing the user's end device in order to display the website in the mobile version, if the user uses a mobile device (e.g. a smartphone)

Can I opt out of accepting cookies?

Activities related to the storage and sending of cookies are handled by web browsers and are invisible to the user. Most browsers you use accept cookies by default. However, the user can set the browser so that he can refuse requests to store cookies in general or selected cookies. This can be done through the settings in the browser.

How do I disable cookies?

For Firefox:
  1. At the top of the browser window, click the Firefox button ,(in Windows XP, click the Tools menu) and select Options.
  2. Then select the Privacy panel.
  3. From the drop-down menu of the Firefox item, select an option: will use user history settings.
  4. Check Accept cookies to enable, uncheck to disable cookies.
  5. Select the period for which cookies will be stored.
  6. Press OK to close the options window.
For Google Chrome:
  1. Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click Show advanced settings.
  4. Check Accept cookies to enable, uncheck to disable cookies.
  5. In the Privacy section, click the Content Settings button.
  6. In the Cookies section, you can change the following cookie settings.
Blocking cookies by default
  • Block all cookies: Select Block attempts to place data from websites on your computer. Keep in mind that this setting prevents most sites that require you to sign in.
  • Block only third-party cookies: Select the Ignore exceptions and block the creation of third-party cookies check box. Selecting this check box rejects third-party cookies from your site, even if you have added the site to the Exceptions list and can create cookies on your computer.
Allow cookies by default
  • If you want to allow both first-party and third-party cookies, check Allow data to be stored locally.
  • To accept only first-party cookies, select the Block all third-party cookies without exception check box.
For Internet Explorer 9:
  1. In the browser window, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
  2. Click the Privacy tab, and then, under Settings, move the slider to the highest position to block all cookies, or to the lowest location to allow all cookies, and then click OK.

Storing and accessing cookies requires the user's consent. Such consent can be given through the settings of your web browser. Setting the web browser in a way that allows the use of cookies by the Website means the User's consent to the use of cookies.

Manage your preferences

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

Statistics / Analytics cookies

Statistics / Analytics cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.


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